GM Tours


Find unique places and attractions in Bora Bora

Explore unforgettable places in Bora Bora via GM Tours


    Bora Bora

    Destination Type: ,
    Best Time to Visit: between May and October.
    Time Required: 8 days

    Bora Bora is world-famous for its vibrant turquoise lagoon, soft, white sandy stretches of beach and luxurious resorts. With such a dreamlike setting, this magical island is, unsurprisingly, a great spot to plan a getaway

    The group of islands belongs to French Polynesia and are a collectivity of France. The group of islands makes up an administrative division of French Polynesia. The capital of this subdivision is Uturoa, which is located on Raiatea, an island South East of Bora Bora.

    Being an island destination, the best time to visit Bora Bora is during the dry season which is experienced between May and October. This is the time when you get warm and cosy days, plenty of sunshine, least chances of rainfall, all of which make it the ideal time for enjoying outdoor activities.

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