GM Tours


Find unique places and attractions in Vietnam

Explore unforgettable places in Vietnam via GM Tours



    Destination Type: , , ,
    Best Time to Visit: between November and April.
    Time Required: 6 days

    From the misty mountains, glistening rice fields and enchanting waterfalls of northern Vietnam, to the powdery white sand and clear turquoise waters of the southern beaches, Vietnam is a scenic paradise. Vietnam is famous for its breathtaking scenery, 3,260km coastline and dynamic cities. Vietnam is fast becoming one of the most popular tourist destinations in Asia.

    The best time to visit Vietnam is between November and April. The weather in Vietnam can be split by region. In Hanoi & the north, May to October is hot and humid with high rainfall; November to April is cooler and dry. In the far north, December & January can be particularly cold.

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    Explore unforgettable places in Vietnam

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